Gut Health

Gluten Exposure and High Histamine Symptoms

Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye grains, is known to be difficult for many people to digest properly. Unfortunately, gluten is found in so many different foods and products, such as breads, noodles, desserts, cereals and others made with flour, that it's hard to avoid entirely unless you're very careful

The Microbiome and Skin, Stress, Mold & IBS: An Interview with Kiran Krishnan, microbiologist

I recently interviewed a member of the community about the fact that toxic mold is a cause of several gut health issues, including autoimmune alopecia. He also discussed how toxins build up throughout the body due to mold exposure, particularly in the liver and other places. Click here to learn more!

How to Support Thyroid Hormone Conversion

Of course there are many factors involved in thyroid disease, but a big player that is often overlooked is thyroid hormone conversion. Read on to learn what thyroid hormone conversion is, why it's such an overlooked problem, and what you can do to better support it!

The Brain-Boosting Benefits of Phosphatidylcholine

Without enough phosphatidylcholine, cells quickly succumb to the damaging effects of oxidative stress, causing gut, brain, and liver issues. Unfortunately, research indicates that most people aren’t getting nearly enough of this nutrient in their diets. Read on to learn how supplementing with this nutrient can greatly benefit your health.

Foods That Support Liver Detox

Undergoing a detox or liver cleanse diet has become hugely trendy these days, and is generally a great idea! However, it is important that you take this on in the smartest and healthiest way possible, or you can actually do more harm than good. Read on to learn more about liver-cleansing foods!

Top 10 Foods to Add or Avoid for Thyroid Health

If you struggle with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, or if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, your diet plays a major role in your thyroid health. You can support your thyroid by simply changing your diet. Let me show you how!

How Your Microbiome Helps You Handle Stress

We live in stressful times. Nerves are frayed, tempers are short, and energy is lagging. To paint a picture, 19.1% of US adults suffered from an anxiety disorder in the past year. Chronic stress is linked with health conditions such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and depression. Click here to learn more!

Want to Improve Your Skin? Focus on Your Gut Health

Believe it or not, the secret to improving your skin may not be found in fancy creams or serums. Nope. The state of your skin – much like the state of your brain – depends on your gut. Conventional medicine treats skin conditions with ointments, salves, and steroids. Unfortunately, these treatments often don’t work. Click here to learn more!

Glutathione: What It Does & When to Take It

Glutathione (GSH) is a sulfur-containing compound molecule that is made inside every cell in the human body. It is composed of three amino acids: L-glutamine, L-cysteine, and L-glycine. Chronic illness and long-term toxin exposure may deplete stored glutathione as well as hinder its production. Learn more about how to use it!

How to Reverse Chronic Inflammation: 8 Helpful Tips

Modern life leaves many chronically inflamed due to poor diet, stress, toxin exposure, and more. When this inflammation goes on too long, the body begins to wear down. This might start as nagging fatigue, brain fog, or chronic pain. But over time, it can lead to severe problems. That’s why it’s crucial to address chronic inflammation!

Modified Citrus Pectin: 5 Powerful Health Benefits

Modified Citrus Pectin – ever heard of it? It’s a supplementary fiber quickly gaining cred for a long list of potential health benefits. Made from the pulp of citrus fruits, MCP may relieve constipation, chelate heavy metals, and even shows promising anti-cancer effects. So let’s explore whether it may be a good fit for your health needs!

Chinese Rhubarb: 3 Incredible Ways It Supports Better Detox

When you think of rhubarb, what comes to mind? For most people, rhubarb is simply a tasty addition to strawberry pie. Yet rhubarb boasts a bevy of impressive health benefits. This article breaks down the health benefits of this potent plant and how it promotes better detox. Let’s dive in!

6 Health Benefits of Artichokes: How They Support Daily Detox

There’s a liver-loving food with massive detox abilities that often gets ignored. The artichoke! Technically a flower bud, this relative of milk thistle boasts impressive detoxification powers. So let’s explore artichoke’s health benefits and how it may improve your daily detox.

5 Impressive Ways Aloe Vera Helps You Detox

Many people flock to aloe vera for sunburns, cuts, and scrapes. But did you know this powerful plant can boost your detox game too? Yep, it’s true! Aloe vera boasts potent detoxification properties. So let’s dive into this soothing succulent and the health benefits it offers.

How Mi Toxin Binder Moves Bile (and Why It’s Important)

I’m a huge fan of binders. Whether you’re dealing with mold toxicity, heavy metal detox, candida overgrowth, or Lyme disease, toxin binders are a gamechanger! They can smooth out the bumps on any detox journey. This is why I decided to create a custom binder formula just for this community: Mi Toxin Binder!

How Toxin Binders Can Smooth Out Your Toxic Mold Journey

Die-off reactions. Ever had one? You’re trying to detox so you feel better, but instead, you’re hit with brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues, and anxiety – and they’re the pits. Thankfully, you can smooth out most detox protocols with the simple addition of one supplement: toxin binders. Good for mold, Candida, Lyme, parasites, and more!

What Are the Best Blood Tests to Uncover Root Health Issues?

Having trouble getting all of the pieces of your health puzzle to fit together? You’re not alone. Many people jump from practitioner to practitioner, searching for answers to their mystery illness, only to come out empty-handed. Getting to the bottom of chronic health issues takes digging! And a huge piece of that is testing.

The Low FODMAP Diet: What It Is, Benefits, and How to Try It

Ever feel gassy, bloated, or ‘stopped up’? I feel your pain, my friend – I’ve been there! The good news is, you’re not cursed to live a gassy life forever. With a few tweaks to your diet, you can get your digestive system humming along and say buy-bye to chronic bloating. I experienced this myself by trying the low FODMAP diet.