Personal care

Top Ten Nutrients for Immunity

Amidst the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, the natural next step is understanding how to boost your immune system to keep yourself, your family and everyone else healthy. This article discusses the ten best nutrients for immune system function, which are particularly urgent right now.

The Mold-Thyroid Connection

Did you know the Salem Witch Trials could be blamed on foods contaminated with toxic mold? Moldy ergot growing on rye in the 16th and 17th centuries has been linked with witch trials! Mold has been among us for a long time! This article highlights common places to find it, effects of mycotoxin exposure, and how to test for it.

Mold Toxicity and Histamine Intolerance: What’s the Connection?

Some foods are a double whammy for people with mold toxicity. That’s because many foods that grow mold easily are also high in histamines, adding more fuel to the inflammation fire. Think you may be struggling with histamine intolerance? Learn the common symptoms and some helpful solutions in this article!

How to Support Thyroid Hormone Conversion

Of course there are many factors involved in thyroid disease, but a big player that is often overlooked is thyroid hormone conversion. Read on to learn what thyroid hormone conversion is, why it's such an overlooked problem, and what you can do to better support it!

Jade Rollers: Are They Worth the Hype??

I had heard of jade rollers for the face years ago but couldn’t imagine they were that helpful.

As soon as I tried it out I realized…’this is a blood and lymph mover,’ and I got really excited. I was also really excited about the immediate reduction puffiness and depth of lines!

How to Get Rid of Brain Fog

The term ‘brain fog’ gets tossed around a lot, and most people can relate to feeling dazed, not thinking clearly, and not being fully able to recall ideas and words. But what is brain fog really, and what are brain fog causes and brain fog cures?

Watermelon Cucumber Popsicles

In need of a nutrient-dense summer treat? Homemade popsicles are refreshing and so easy to make! We chose ingredients that are hydrating and great for decreasing belly bloat - think watermelon, cucumber, and yogurt. These make for an energizing, rehydrating snack on active summer days.

Are There Heavy Metals in Your Lip Gloss?

When it’s time to go out, or you just want to look pretty, it’s easy to reach for your favorite lip gloss. But what if it’s actually making you sick through toxin exposure? 

How to Detox Chlorine from Your Body

With summer fast approaching, it's time to think about one of America's favorite warm-weather activities – swimming. However, if you're like many of us, you worry about the effect chlorine has on your body. In this article, I'll share some of the science behind chlorine, how it affects the body, and how to detox from chlorine.

Could Your Sunscreen Disrupt Your Hormones?

Most types of sunscreen contain toxins that can easily penetrate the skin and cause inflammation, hormone imbalances, and increased toxic burden. Fortunately, there are safer options that still protect from harmful sun rays. Learn how to read your label and discover where to buy safer sunscreen.

How Your Microbiome Helps You Handle Stress

We live in stressful times. Nerves are frayed, tempers are short, and energy is lagging. To paint a picture, 19.1% of US adults suffered from an anxiety disorder in the past year. Chronic stress is linked with health conditions such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and depression. Click here to learn more!

Want to Improve Your Skin? Focus on Your Gut Health

Believe it or not, the secret to improving your skin may not be found in fancy creams or serums. Nope. The state of your skin – much like the state of your brain – depends on your gut. Conventional medicine treats skin conditions with ointments, salves, and steroids. Unfortunately, these treatments often don’t work. Click here to learn more!

5 Impressive Ways Aloe Vera Helps You Detox

Many people flock to aloe vera for sunburns, cuts, and scrapes. But did you know this powerful plant can boost your detox game too? Yep, it’s true! Aloe vera boasts potent detoxification properties. So let’s dive into this soothing succulent and the health benefits it offers.

Cell Danger Response: What It Is & How to Complete It

Ever wonder why some people stay sick and others heal? You may be eating an uber-clean diet, keeping your stress in check, sleeping well, and moving your body – yet something could be blocking your progress. It’s a little something called the cell danger response (CDR). Learn how to recognize CDR and what to do about it here!

What Are the Best Blood Tests to Uncover Root Health Issues?

Having trouble getting all of the pieces of your health puzzle to fit together? You’re not alone. Many people jump from practitioner to practitioner, searching for answers to their mystery illness, only to come out empty-handed. Getting to the bottom of chronic health issues takes digging! And a huge piece of that is testing.

Foundations for Good Health: 7 Often Overlooked Keys to Healing

When you’re struggling with chronic health issues, it’s easy to want to jump headfirst into detox techniques. However, I’ve learned personally and from working with clients that it’s best to start with basics. Many of the most powerful tools for healing are quite simple. But they’re often the things you aren’t doing.

How CoQ10 Combats Fatigue from Toxic Mold Illness

Does it feel like no matter how much sleep you get, you’re always dragging yourself through the day? Are you sick and tired of feeling tired all the time? I’ve been there! Toxic mold can wreak havoc on your energy. This article will lay out why toxic mold makes you so tired and how CoQ10 may help you get some pep back in your step!

3 Sneaky Ways Toxic Mold Messes with Your Hormones

Are you struggling with symptoms of hormone imbalance like mood swings, weight gain, low libido, hot flashes, or fatigue? Many people just accept hormonal imbalance as part of aging. When often, there’s another sneaky culprit to blame: mold.

How Mold Affects Your Body

Wondering if toxic mold may be to blame for your chronic health issues? It’s more common than you’d think! Around 50% of buildings in the US have a history of water damage. If you feel like you’ve tried everything, but are still struggling with random symptoms, mold may be to blame. Read on to learn what you can do about it!

30 Toxic Mold Detox Techniques That Really Work

As you know I'm crazy for detox techniques. That's because they really work! DO NOT think diet and supplements are going to get the job done for you. If you are in chronic pain or stress, or dealing with chronic toxic burdens besides mold, you cannot heal without proper detox. Take a look at my A-Z list of detox ideas!