
Get Prepared! Make This DIY Cold Season Elixir

Life may feel hectic right now, so it’s all about finding little ways to nurture yourself. A homemade elixir feels luxurious and helps you nourish your health this fall and winter. It’s a quick, potent recipe that capitalizes on nature’s best immune boosters!

Air Quality, COVID-19 and Supplements Update

As much as we'd like COVID-19 to just go away, it's still here! But there are new developments in understanding of the virus, as well as new unsubstantiated claims. So I am back again to give you some interesting new research related to COVID-19, as well as some interesting supplement applications I learned.

Antiviral Island Tea

Each ingredient in this nourishing turmeric and ginger tea offers unique immunity supporting benefits. Ginger, turmeric, honey, and citrus all combine to create a warm and invigorating drink that’s great for sipping any time of day.