Supplements for Detox

Vitamin D: How a Deficiency Is Hurting You

Do you spend most of your time indoors, slather on sunscreen before going outside, or live in the northern half of the United States? If you answered yes to any of these, then you probably have a vitamin D deficiency!

How to Choose the Best Type of Magnesium for You

Magnesium, dubbed “nature’s chill pill,” is a mineral involved in over 300 crucial biological processes. But there are a ton of different types of magnesium. So, choosing one isn’t as easy as you think! But don’t worry. In this article, we’ll go over five different types of magnesium and explain the upsides (and downsides) of each one.

Folate vs Folic Acid: What You Need to Know

Although many people use the terms interchangeably, folate and folic acid are two distinct forms of vitamin B9. If you’re dealing with chronic health conditions, or if you’re pregnant, it’s crucial for you to know the differences between these two forms of vitamin B9—one of them can cause a lot of problems!

Intestinal Parasites: What You Need to Know

Parasites have been around a long time so it’s surprising I didn’t learn about them in my Chinese medicine training. Included was more on febrile disease, which was probably more of a terminal threat back then.

Gluten Exposure and High Histamine Symptoms

Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye grains, is known to be difficult for many people to digest properly. Unfortunately, gluten is found in so many different foods and products, such as breads, noodles, desserts, cereals and others made with flour, that it's hard to avoid entirely unless you're very careful

Glutathione: What It Does & When to Take It

Glutathione (GSH) is a sulfur-containing compound molecule that is made inside every cell in the human body. It is composed of three amino acids: L-glutamine, L-cysteine, and L-glycine. Chronic illness and long-term toxin exposure may deplete stored glutathione as well as hinder its production. Learn more about how to use it!

Glutathione: The Amazing Detox Boosting Nutrient for Mold (and More!)

Do you know which nutrient works tirelessly to scavenge free radicals and eliminate mycotoxins, heavy metals, environmental pollutants, and more? You guessed it – glutathione! This powerful nutrient is a detoxification powerhouse and is critical for toxic mold recovery. Read on to learn how to make the most of your glutathione!

How to Reverse Chronic Inflammation: 8 Helpful Tips

Modern life leaves many chronically inflamed due to poor diet, stress, toxin exposure, and more. When this inflammation goes on too long, the body begins to wear down. This might start as nagging fatigue, brain fog, or chronic pain. But over time, it can lead to severe problems. That’s why it’s crucial to address chronic inflammation!

6 Health Benefits of Artichokes: How They Support Daily Detox

There’s a liver-loving food with massive detox abilities that often gets ignored. The artichoke! Technically a flower bud, this relative of milk thistle boasts impressive detoxification powers. So let’s explore artichoke’s health benefits and how it may improve your daily detox.

5 Impressive Ways Aloe Vera Helps You Detox

Many people flock to aloe vera for sunburns, cuts, and scrapes. But did you know this powerful plant can boost your detox game too? Yep, it’s true! Aloe vera boasts potent detoxification properties. So let’s dive into this soothing succulent and the health benefits it offers.

How Mi Toxin Binder Protects Your Blood-Brain Barrier

By now you’ve likely heard of leaky gut. But did you know there’s a similar barrier between your brain and bloodstream? Your blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a thin layer of cells that protect your brain from toxins, pathogens, inflammation, and disease. So let’s explore how your brain becomes leaky & what you can do!

Zeolite Clinoptilolite: What It Is and How It Helps Your Body Detox

Struggling with symptoms of poor detox like fatigue, skin rashes, and brain fog? Then let me introduce you to my friend zeolite. Zeolite’s effectiveness at binding mycotoxins is what really made it grab my attention. This article explains what zeolite is, how it helps you detox, and why zeolite clinoptilolite is the best.

How Mi Toxin Binder Moves Bile (and Why It’s Important)

I’m a huge fan of binders. Whether you’re dealing with mold toxicity, heavy metal detox, candida overgrowth, or Lyme disease, toxin binders are a gamechanger! They can smooth out the bumps on any detox journey. This is why I decided to create a custom binder formula just for this community: Mi Toxin Binder!

How Toxin Binders Can Smooth Out Your Toxic Mold Journey

Die-off reactions. Ever had one? You’re trying to detox so you feel better, but instead, you’re hit with brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues, and anxiety – and they’re the pits. Thankfully, you can smooth out most detox protocols with the simple addition of one supplement: toxin binders. Good for mold, Candida, Lyme, parasites, and more!

The Low FODMAP Diet: What It Is, Benefits, and How to Try It

Ever feel gassy, bloated, or ‘stopped up’? I feel your pain, my friend – I’ve been there! The good news is, you’re not cursed to live a gassy life forever. With a few tweaks to your diet, you can get your digestive system humming along and say buy-bye to chronic bloating. I experienced this myself by trying the low FODMAP diet.

Why Toxic Mold Drains Your Energy (and How to Get it Back)

Do you seem to always feel tired, no matter how much sleep you get? One of the hallmark symptoms of mold illness is exhaustion. I’m talking bone-tired, deep, debilitating fatigue. In this article we’ll cover why toxic mold makes you feel so tired and steps you can take to get your energy back!

Introducing Mi Detox Electrolytes from Functional Detox Products!

Electrolytes are a missing piece of many health puzzles -- especially when it comes to toxic mold. I looked high and low for an electrolytes supplement I felt confident recommending to my mold clients. But nothing checked all my boxes. So, I made one for you! I’m excited to introduce...Mi Detox Electrolytes!

Comparing Electrolyte Supplements on the Market: Which One’s the Best?

Nowadays, there’s a flurry of electrolyte supplements flooding store shelves. Wondering if they live up to the hype? Or if you even need one at all? You’re in the right place. This article will answer all those burning questions so you can decide if an electrolyte supplement is right for you -- and which one. Let’s get started!

Why You Need Electrolytes When Recovering from Toxic Mold

Electrolytes get a lot of attention if you’re training for a marathon or suffering from the stomach flu. However, they’re often ignored when recovering from toxic mold. This is a shame because having a proper electrolyte balance can make mold recovery smoother and easier. Trust me, I should know! Read on to learn how to do this!

Magnesium for Men: Why It Matters

Even the healthiest of diets may not provide all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, which is part of the reason many of us turn to supplements to ensure the best health for our bodies. Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency in men is often overlooked, but if can lead to some powerful victories in men’s health!