Hormone Health

15 Low-Cost Ways to Detox the Liver

The liver is responsible for hundreds of tasks in your body, including elimination of waste products, regulating energy, supporting metabolism, balancing hormones, and so much more. Read on to learn the symptoms of a toxic liver, and my top low-cost ways to detox your liver!

Supplements for People Who Can't Take Pills

I love supplements, but I don’t like swallowing a pile of pills in a day. Some people really struggle to swallow pills at all. Most kids won’t swallow pills. And then many people are so sensitive to new substances that whole pills might be too much. Read on to learn my solution to all these issues!

Oil Pulling: Benefits and Instructions

Have you heard of the latest trend known as oil pulling? It takes just a few minutes of your time each morning, and it can not only improve your oral health, but also boost your overall health and improve systemic disorders. Here is a brief breakdown of the history, benefits, and instructions!

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Multivitamin

Do you know how to choose a multivitamin? We rely on supplements to give us what our diets don’t. Grocery store shelves are overflowing with generic vitamins that offer little nutritional value, so it’s important to know what to look for when choosing the best multivitamins for your unique needs!

How to Choose the Best Type of Magnesium for You

Magnesium, dubbed “nature’s chill pill,” is a mineral involved in over 300 crucial biological processes. But there are a ton of different types of magnesium. So, choosing one isn’t as easy as you think! But don’t worry. In this article, we’ll go over five different types of magnesium and explain the upsides (and downsides) of each one.

Folate vs Folic Acid: What You Need to Know

Although many people use the terms interchangeably, folate and folic acid are two distinct forms of vitamin B9. If you’re dealing with chronic health conditions, or if you’re pregnant, it’s crucial for you to know the differences between these two forms of vitamin B9—one of them can cause a lot of problems!

Best Supplements for Hypothyroidism

Many people are experiencing the symptoms of hypothyroidism in their daily lives without even realizing it. As a result, their symptoms multiply for months or years. Educating yourself on thyroid issues can make all the difference. Read on to learn my best tricks to support your thyroid!

Best Lab Tests for Thyroid Problems

Many people question whether their thyroid is working correctly due to their chronic fatigue, weight gain or foggy thinking. In this article, we’ll explore when and how to order a test for thyroid problems effectively so that you can address thyroid problems & symptoms.

How to Support Thyroid Hormone Conversion

Of course there are many factors involved in thyroid disease, but a big player that is often overlooked is thyroid hormone conversion. Read on to learn what thyroid hormone conversion is, why it's such an overlooked problem, and what you can do to better support it!

The Brain-Boosting Benefits of Phosphatidylcholine

Without enough phosphatidylcholine, cells quickly succumb to the damaging effects of oxidative stress, causing gut, brain, and liver issues. Unfortunately, research indicates that most people aren’t getting nearly enough of this nutrient in their diets. Read on to learn how supplementing with this nutrient can greatly benefit your health.

Jade Rollers: Are They Worth the Hype??

I had heard of jade rollers for the face years ago but couldn’t imagine they were that helpful.

As soon as I tried it out I realized…’this is a blood and lymph mover,’ and I got really excited. I was also really excited about the immediate reduction puffiness and depth of lines!

The Thyroid and Liver Connection

These days, there’s a lot of talk about, and seemingly endless options for liver detox programs. What’s less commonly understood is the intricate role the liver plays in so many bodily functions and systems, especially the thyroid.

Top 10 Foods to Add or Avoid for Thyroid Health

If you struggle with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, or if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, your diet plays a major role in your thyroid health. You can support your thyroid by simply changing your diet. Let me show you how!

Could Your Sunscreen Disrupt Your Hormones?

Most types of sunscreen contain toxins that can easily penetrate the skin and cause inflammation, hormone imbalances, and increased toxic burden. Fortunately, there are safer options that still protect from harmful sun rays. Learn how to read your label and discover where to buy safer sunscreen.

How to Reverse Chronic Inflammation: 8 Helpful Tips

Modern life leaves many chronically inflamed due to poor diet, stress, toxin exposure, and more. When this inflammation goes on too long, the body begins to wear down. This might start as nagging fatigue, brain fog, or chronic pain. But over time, it can lead to severe problems. That’s why it’s crucial to address chronic inflammation!

Cell Danger Response: What It Is & How to Complete It

Ever wonder why some people stay sick and others heal? You may be eating an uber-clean diet, keeping your stress in check, sleeping well, and moving your body – yet something could be blocking your progress. It’s a little something called the cell danger response (CDR). Learn how to recognize CDR and what to do about it here!

What Are the Best Blood Tests to Uncover Root Health Issues?

Having trouble getting all of the pieces of your health puzzle to fit together? You’re not alone. Many people jump from practitioner to practitioner, searching for answers to their mystery illness, only to come out empty-handed. Getting to the bottom of chronic health issues takes digging! And a huge piece of that is testing.

Foundations for Good Health: 7 Often Overlooked Keys to Healing

When you’re struggling with chronic health issues, it’s easy to want to jump headfirst into detox techniques. However, I’ve learned personally and from working with clients that it’s best to start with basics. Many of the most powerful tools for healing are quite simple. But they’re often the things you aren’t doing.

Why Toxic Mold Drains Your Energy (and How to Get it Back)

Do you seem to always feel tired, no matter how much sleep you get? One of the hallmark symptoms of mold illness is exhaustion. I’m talking bone-tired, deep, debilitating fatigue. In this article we’ll cover why toxic mold makes you feel so tired and steps you can take to get your energy back!