Best Supplements for Hypothyroidism


Did you know that more than 12% of the US population will develop a thyroid condition at some point in their lives? (1)

Many people are experiencing the symptoms of hypothyroidism in their daily lives without even realizing it.

Are you one of them?

When thyroid problems are left unchecked, it can lead to a host of other issues including:

  • other hormonal imbalances

  • increased susceptibility to mold and other toxins

  • digestive complaints

  • And more!

You are also more susceptible to hypothyroidism if you’ve been compromised by mold or other toxins leading to an overburdened liver, or if you have an inflamed leaky gut. The gut and liver are important areas of thyroid hormone conversion, and a leaky gut can lead to autoimmune hypothyroidism.

Educating yourself so you can properly care for your thyroid can make all the difference! (2) Read on to learn my best high-quality supplements and tips to support your thyroid!

(Not sure if you have a thyroid problem? Read my blog on what to look for here.)


Top Four Nutrients for Hypothyroidism 

Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism doesn’t mean that you have to be poked and prodded by your general physician. While many people do seek medical treatment, there are also plenty of natural choices you can make to support your thyroid. Take a look at the top three natural supplements to support your thyroid function. 

1.    Vitamin D

One of the best supplements for hypothyroidism, Vitamin D can be easily added into your vitamin regimen or your diet. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with hypothyroidism according to new research. (3)

Research is now demonstrating just how effective vitamin D can be to help regulate your thyroid antibodies. In this particular research study, women with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis were studied. Half of the women received a vitamin D supplement while the other half received a placebo. At the end of the study, those who were given the vitamin D supplement were found to have decreased disease activity. (4)

Most people associate vitamin D with a long afternoon spent in the sun. While it is true that outdoor activity is one way to accumulate this vitamin, it is not enough for most women. Latitudes above Washington DC often supply an insufficient amount of vitamin D for several months out of the year. 

When combined with our mostly indoor living habits and our use of sunscreen, getting the proper levels of vitamin D without supplementation can prove to be a challenge. 

A proper diet can also contribute to your vitamin D levels. It is advised that you consume foods such as fatty fish, mushrooms, grass-fed ghee and egg yolks (if tolerated)  if you really want to bolster your thyroid without the use of glandular therapy.

While most people who have a vitamin D deficiency do not present with any symptoms, some people do exhibit symptoms such as:

  • Weakness

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle aches or twitches

  • Osteoporosis

  • Depression

  • Frequent colds and flus

If you have no idea of your vitamin D level is, I like 5,000 IU/day as a maintenance dose. If that amount sounds crazy high, know that 20 minutes in the sun in a bathing suit gets you about 20,000 IU. Please see my vitamin D blog to learn more about dosing vitamin D!

We can help you test for vitamin D deficiency in our thyroid testing package at Functional Detox Products. That is the most accurate way to be guided on supplementation. We like a vitamin D level around 80 and advise you on a supplementation program if you are very low (this is common!).

2.    Iodine

Iodine supplementation is hotly debated in the natural medicine world. You can potentially increase thyroid antibodies with a high of iodine, say some studies. Other sources disagree.

Research points to the fact that low levels of iodine put women at a greater risk of hypothyroidism. On the other hand, excess levels of iodine may put them at risk for hyperthyroidism. (5

Unfortunately, the body does not have a system for creating iodine on its own. You must supplement your diet with foods that contain this essential ingredient if you want to support healthy thyroid functioning.

Foods that contain iodine include seaweed, seafood, eggs, iodized salt and prunes.

You can supplement conservatively with iodine at 150 mcg/ day, or much higher at about 6,000 mcg/day if addressing issues like fibrocystic breasts. However, those with certain thyroid issues have troubles with supplementing iodine, so make sure to consult with your health care provider to decide what is right for you.

Iodine helps convert thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) to triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Sufficient thyroid hormone levels are required to prevent miscarriage and promote proper fetal brain development during pregnancy.  

3.    Selenium

When it comes to thyroid health supplements, selenium could be key in helping to control hypothyroidism. This ingredient is formed when copper is refined, but plants often take it in through the soil. As a result, many of the foods that we eat contain trace amounts of selenium that add up to a significant amount in the bloodstream. 

While you can take selenium supplements for thyroid function, you might also find selenium naturally in your diet in foods like: 

  • Seafood

  • Nuts like cashews or Brazil nuts

  • Peaches

  • Carrots

One 2015 study demonstrated the overall importance of selenium in the general population. Taking two groups, participants were roughly split in half where one group had adequate levels of selenium and the other had lower levels. The outcome showed that participants that had lower levels of selenium had an increased risk of various thyroid conditions, including hypothyroidism. (6)

Beyond the issues that you might encounter with your thyroid, low selenium levels can lead to several other side effects. Common symptoms of low selenium can include muscle weakness, fatigue, mental fog, and hair loss. It has even been suggested that low levels of selenium might contribute to reduced cognitive functioning. 

4. Probiotics

Intestinal health is key for thyroid health. The gut is a location for thyroid hormone conversion. It is also a potential trigger for autoimmune disease when it’s inflamed and leaky. 

To feed your good bugs, eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. Eat some clean fish for the anti-inflammatory benefits of EPA fish oil for your gut. 

If you are going to use probiotic supplements, make sure you get a good, high-quality supplement so you’re not wasting your money. (More on this below.) 


Natural Thyroid Treatment

While there are many different ways to go about treating hypothyroidism, many women would prefer a natural approach. Here are a few of our best natural supplements for low thyroid. 


Daily D with K

If you are having issues maintaining the proper levels of vitamin D, our Daily D with K is one of the best thyroid supplements. It contains a clinically useful dose of both vitamin D3 and vitamin K at my recommended dosage of 5,000 IU/day.  For those who do not receive enough sun exposure or the proper diet, this supplement can be an excellent replacement. 


Hi-Potency Multivitamin

Taking all of your supplements in one convenient pill is appealing to most women. It can drastically simplify your morning routine. This is where the Hi-Potency Multivitamin comes into play. Along with a wide variety of herbal supplements and vitamins, it contains everything you need to support a healthy thyroid. 

You can reduce your symptoms of hypothyroidism with the daily dose of vitamin D, iodine, and selenium in this convenient capsule. It provides helpful antioxidant support, optical health, and even cellular health. If you want natural supplements for hypothyroidism, this capsule is for you!

I love our Hi-Potency Multivitamin as it has the right form and dosage of most of your daily vitamin needs, and it’s two capsules in one day.

MegaSporeBiotic and Mega Pre

These gut restoring powerhouses are a great starting point for a healthy gut. I take two MegaSporeBiotic and Mega Pre daily to maintain a happy gut microbiome.

We are proud to be one of the few online vendors for Microbiome Labs. We also offer advanced stool testing to learn even more about your gut health.


Best Resources to Save on Thyroid Support

These natural supplements for hypothyroidism can make a major difference in the way you feel from day to day. You can reduce some of the visible markers that are telltale signs your thyroid isn’t functioning the way it could. Proper supplementation and support may reduce your hair loss, freshen up your skin, and shed that excess weight. 

As with any new supplement, start with the lowest dose. Depending on your health, you may need to stay at a low dose. Just listen to your body.

Do you struggle with thyroid issues? What have you tried? Let us know in the comments below!


Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is an acupuncturist turned functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of clients since 2004.

She is the founder of and the author of The Ultimate Guide to Toxic Mold Recovery: Take Back Your Home Health & Life, available in audiobook, Kindle and paperback on Amazon.