Intestinal Parasites: What You Need to Know

Parasites have been around a long time so it’s surprising I didn’t learn about them in my Chinese medicine training. Included was more on febrile disease, which was probably more of a terminal threat back then.

But parasites can affect your quality of life. You may have heard:

  • We all have parasites; don’t worry about it

  • Parasites eat bad things like heavy metals; don’t worry about it


  • Parasites are the root of every disease! Kill them first!

The truth about parasites is somewhere in the middle, as you learn in this article so keep reading!!

How Common Are Intestinal Parasites?

Intestinal parasites are common. Super common. Our GI-MAP Test reveals that parasites are present in about 20% of samples. It’s possible that they’re even more prevalent than this. 

Unwashed produce, undercooked pork, and all sorts of other foods can serve as delivery vehicles for parasite eggs. These eggs can then hatch and develop once ingested. 

Why isn’t modern medicine more aware of the parasite problem? 

Probably because most standard testing protocols aren’t meant to detect parasitic infestation. Parasite species come in all different shapes and sizes, and some parasites have complex life cycles that evade detection. (1)

Intestinal Parasites: Common Signs and Symptoms

Intestinal parasites can affect your mood, behavior, cognitive function, metabolism, and physical health — and not in good ways. Below are some of the telltale signs that you might have parasites: (2)

  • Nausea 

  • Diarrhea

  • Stomach pain

  • Sleep problems

  • Gas and/or bloating

  • Frequent rashes or itching

  • Passing worms in your stool

In other bad news, parasites can coexist with conditions like IBS, heavy metal toxicity, and toxic mold sickness. Some species feed off of sugar and/or heavy metals. Not good. 

The Best Supplements to Combat Intestinal Parasites

Parasites can create a body burden through their waste products, blocking our nutrition and creating inflammation. (3)

But I don’t think you should go after them unless your health is fairly stable.

This is because killing them will also cause body stress and waste products, so you need to have strong enough detox pathways and gut health to handle it.

For example:

  • If you are just working on a few nagging symptoms but otherwise healthy

  • If you have moved out of mold and have mostly calmed down your gut and symptoms

And I always think it’s best to have a supervising physician or practitioner.

Ok so now that I’ve covered that here are some ideas:

Parasite Pre-clease:

One month of:

(If you’ve already been working on your gut flora and feel good to skip this step, you may.)

Parasite Cleanse:

Two months of:


Choose Your Binder:

  • Choose Mega IgG 2000 and take 2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch IF YOU TEND TOWARDS LOOSE STOOL

  • Choose GI Detox and take 2 at bedtime IF YOU HAVE NORMAL BOWEL MOVEMENTS

  • Choose Mi Toxin Binder and take 1-2 at bedtime IF YOU ARE CHRONICALLY CONSTIPATED


  • Take a break from everything for 3-5 days around the new moon.

  • Be sure to take everything fully around the full moon when parasites are most active.

  • Take a break anytime or use less as needed! If you feel bad, it’s not a good thing! Back off a bit! 

  • I cannot stress enough to modify as you see fit. If you want to take a month off then repeat, it’s fine. I would also just buy 1 bottle of everything to try to see how you tolerate it so you can modify as needed.

  • You may get some rumbly stomach, cramping, changes in bowel movements, or other symptoms. A tiny bit of this is ok, but modify if it’s too much. See above instructions or our Side Effects Guide.

Coffee Enema:

I encourage you to also do coffee enemas in this time 1-3 X week. They will help pump out the waste and help you SEE what’s coming out. Take a good look!

***All of this is pretty advanced detoxing so ONLY take it on if you are working with a practitioner and truly feel strong enough to handle it.***

You can schedule a case review, lab review or GI-MAP Stool Test at any time. We are here for you!

Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is an acupuncturist turned functional health coach and has worked with thousands of clients since 2004.

She is the founder of FunctionalDetoxProduc and the author of The Ultimate Guide to Toxic Mold Recovery: Take Back Your Home Health & Life, available in audiobook, Kindle and paperback on Amazon.