Functional Medicine

Mitzi's Mold Recovery Story

Many people dealing with mold toxicity aren't aware of the root cause of their health issues, often attributing symptoms like fatigue, aches, and trouble breathing to other conditions. This is exactly what Mitzi experienced after being exposed to mold in her mother's home before developing an array of health issues.

Micki's Mold Recovery Story

Chronic illness can be incredibly debilitating and frustrating, especially when you’re not getting any answers from your healthcare provider! So what do you do when you’re tired of feeling sick, but you don’t know where to turn next?

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Multivitamin

Do you know how to choose a multivitamin? We rely on supplements to give us what our diets don’t. Grocery store shelves are overflowing with generic vitamins that offer little nutritional value, so it’s important to know what to look for when choosing the best multivitamins for your unique needs!

Vitamin D: How a Deficiency Is Hurting You

Do you spend most of your time indoors, slather on sunscreen before going outside, or live in the northern half of the United States? If you answered yes to any of these, then you probably have a vitamin D deficiency!

How to Choose the Best Type of Magnesium for You

Magnesium, dubbed “nature’s chill pill,” is a mineral involved in over 300 crucial biological processes. But there are a ton of different types of magnesium. So, choosing one isn’t as easy as you think! But don’t worry. In this article, we’ll go over five different types of magnesium and explain the upsides (and downsides) of each one.

Healthy Fats for Immunity, Gut Health, and Inflammation

Every cell in our body has a membrane that is made up of mostly fat. Fats are critical, but it’s important to get the right kind. In this article, we explore differences between dietary fats, sources of “good” fat, and the benefits of fat for immunity, gut health, and inflammation.

Can You Get Enough Nutrients from Diet Alone?

Can you get enough nutrition from diet alone? This is a hotly debated question! I have been in the health field since 2000 and I now know you cannot get adequate daily nutrition from diet alone. In this article, I’ll explain how I came to this conclusion, and the daily essential vitamins I take to ward off nutritional deficiencies.

Folate vs Folic Acid: What You Need to Know

Although many people use the terms interchangeably, folate and folic acid are two distinct forms of vitamin B9. If you’re dealing with chronic health conditions, or if you’re pregnant, it’s crucial for you to know the differences between these two forms of vitamin B9—one of them can cause a lot of problems!

Top Ten Nutrients for Immunity

Amidst the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, the natural next step is understanding how to boost your immune system to keep yourself, your family and everyone else healthy. This article discusses the ten best nutrients for immune system function, which are particularly urgent right now.

Intestinal Parasites: What You Need to Know

Parasites have been around a long time so it’s surprising I didn’t learn about them in my Chinese medicine training. Included was more on febrile disease, which was probably more of a terminal threat back then.

The Mold-Thyroid Connection

Did you know the Salem Witch Trials could be blamed on foods contaminated with toxic mold? Moldy ergot growing on rye in the 16th and 17th centuries has been linked with witch trials! Mold has been among us for a long time! This article highlights common places to find it, effects of mycotoxin exposure, and how to test for it.

Mold Toxicity and Histamine Intolerance: What’s the Connection?

Some foods are a double whammy for people with mold toxicity. That’s because many foods that grow mold easily are also high in histamines, adding more fuel to the inflammation fire. Think you may be struggling with histamine intolerance? Learn the common symptoms and some helpful solutions in this article!

Best Lab Tests for Thyroid Problems

Many people question whether their thyroid is working correctly due to their chronic fatigue, weight gain or foggy thinking. In this article, we’ll explore when and how to order a test for thyroid problems effectively so that you can address thyroid problems & symptoms.

How to Support Thyroid Hormone Conversion

Of course there are many factors involved in thyroid disease, but a big player that is often overlooked is thyroid hormone conversion. Read on to learn what thyroid hormone conversion is, why it's such an overlooked problem, and what you can do to better support it!

Foods That Support Liver Detox

Undergoing a detox or liver cleanse diet has become hugely trendy these days, and is generally a great idea! However, it is important that you take this on in the smartest and healthiest way possible, or you can actually do more harm than good. Read on to learn more about liver-cleansing foods!

How Toxic Mold Hurts Your Liver (and How to Undo the Damage)

Mold toxicity affects all bodily systems. But it really does a number on your liver. This article lays out what toxic mold does to your liver and offers tips to optimize your liver function. Your liver needs to work well to detox mold. Unfortunately, mycotoxins overwhelm your liver and make that difficult. Here’s how...

How to Know if You Have a Thyroid Problem

According to the American Thyroid Association, one in eight women will develop a form of thyroid disease. Are you one of them? I was shocked at my own diagnosis a few years ago.

How to Get Rid of Brain Fog

The term ‘brain fog’ gets tossed around a lot, and most people can relate to feeling dazed, not thinking clearly, and not being fully able to recall ideas and words. But what is brain fog really, and what are brain fog causes and brain fog cures?

Why Your Tap Water Is Not as Clean as You Think

Most of us grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it from the sink, believing the water that comes out – the water that we pay for – is clean and safe. However, that’s not always the case. You may be surprised to find out what is (and isn’t) regulated when it comes to our drinking water. Read on to learn what you can do about this!

Watermelon Cucumber Popsicles

In need of a nutrient-dense summer treat? Homemade popsicles are refreshing and so easy to make! We chose ingredients that are hydrating and great for decreasing belly bloat - think watermelon, cucumber, and yogurt. These make for an energizing, rehydrating snack on active summer days.