Detox Techniques

Sauna and Electrolytes: What You Need to Know

Sweating is one of the body’s natural ways of releasing toxins, which is why I typically recommend sauna therapy for chronic illness. However, a common problem with sauna usage is that it can deplete your electrolyte levels. Learn how to get the most out of your sauna session in this new article!

How to Detox After Breast Explant Surgery

If you’ve undergone breast explant surgery, you probably didn’t think too much about removing or replacing your breast implants when you had the initial surgery. However, both silicone and saline breast implants have a limited lifespan. This article will examine how to detox after breast explant surgery.

10 Reasons to Use an Infrared Sauna

Sweating is the body’s way of releasing toxins. There are numerous ways to get your body to sweat, but one of the easiest and most relaxing is by using an infrared sauna. Today, I’m going to go through the top benefits of IR sauna therapy, describe the different types of IR sauna therapy, and mention a few essential rules (and tips).

Should You Wash Out Your Nose?

If you struggle to know how to keep your nasal passages and sinuses healthy, you're not alone! When something from our environment dams up the flow, several different types of organisms can take hold (and that's a problem!). Learn what causes sinus blockages, & what I recommend!

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Lyme, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Toxic Mold

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been around since the 17th century. Thanks to medical advances, hyperbaric medicine has been gaining traction as a treatment for mold toxicity, Lyme disease, traumatic brain injury, skin ulcers, autism, and more. Is it safe? How does it work? Read on to learn more!

The Benefits of Fasting for Weight Loss and More!

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, someone probably told you to eat 5+ small meals throughout the day. However, the internet is also rife with claims about the benefits of fasting. What is the best choice for you? Read on to learn the types of fasting and how to find what works best for you!

The Dangers of Toxins in Cleaning Products

Are you looking for safe, easy alternatives to the chemical-laden cleaning products that may be lurking in your home? Today I’m sharing my simple alternatives for bleach, fabric softener, air freshener, oven cleaner, and stainless steel cleaner. Read on to learn more!

Are There Toxins in Your Beauty Products?

Did you know the average American spends almost $800 on personal care items each year? Unfortunately, evidence shows most personal care products contain toxins that easily lead to hormone disruption, weight gain, and so much more. Let me show you how to switch to healthier, non-toxic routines that still work!

How to Detoxify from Excess Estrogen

Too much estrogen is a common problem. It can lead to heavy periods, difficult menopause, PMS, anxiety, and so much more. But how do you know if you have too much estrogen? And what can you do about it? Read on to learn more!

How to Use a Sauna for Detox

Sweating is one of the easiest ways to help your body get rid of all the toxins. Learn the benefits and differences of each type of infrared sauna therapy, how to get the most out of your sauna session, and tips for choosing the sauna that’s right for you.

How to Chose the Best Natural Toothpaste

Have you spent countless hours trying to improve your gut health, with only limited success? Maybe your oral health is undermining your efforts.

Why You Need to Clear Roundup from Your Body (Even if You Eat Well)

Even if you eat well and exercise, you likely have glyphosate toxicity. So before you take another bite of your salad or soup, join me as I share how you can avoid further exposure and clear glyphosate toxicity from your body.