Hormonal imbalances

3 Sneaky Ways Toxic Mold Messes with Your Hormones

Are you struggling with symptoms of hormone imbalance like mood swings, weight gain, low libido, hot flashes, or fatigue? Many people just accept hormonal imbalance as part of aging. When often, there’s another sneaky culprit to blame: mold.

10 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

If there were ever a jack-of-all-trades nutrient, it’d be magnesium. It plays a vital role in metabolism, nerve and muscle function, mood, bone health, blood pressure, and much more. Considering that 48% of the US is not getting enough magnesium, this is alarming. Read on to learn if you have enough magnesium, & how to fix it!

3 Hormonal Imbalance Patterns That Can Lead to Weight Gain

if you feel like you’re doing everything right but are still frustrated with weight gain, hormones may be to blame. There’s a huge connection between hormonal imbalance and weight gain. In this article, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of three hormonal weight gain patterns. Pay close attention if one rings true for you!

Why You Need to Clear Roundup from Your Body (Even if You Eat Well)

Even if you eat well and exercise, you likely have glyphosate toxicity. So before you take another bite of your salad or soup, join me as I share how you can avoid further exposure and clear glyphosate toxicity from your body.

Herbals vs. Bioidenticals for Hormones: Which Is Better?

The question “What do you think of hormone replacement therapy?” is one of the most common I get asked as a health practitioner focused on women’s health. Read on to learn more about HRT and other options.

Finding a Non-Toxic Deodorant That Works

Most conventional deodorants and antiperspirants are a recipe for toxin build-up and hormonal imbalance. Unfortunately, some natural deodorants are a recipe for scaring away friends and may still contain harmful ingredients. Read on to learn how to use healthy deodorant effectively!

Five Ways Essential Oils Support Your Hormones

You may have heard of essential oils, and maybe you already use them. You might be wondering, “how do these really work?” In this article, I’ll explain five ways that essential oils work to powerfully affect your hormones in a positive way!

Natural Solutions for Hormonal Symptoms with Dr. Mariza Snyder

Dr. Mariza Snyder is a Women’s Hormone Practitioner and an essential oils expert. This episode is a recording of a webinar with Dr. Mariza on essential oils for hormones. We talk about perimenopause & menopause, the thyroid, nutritional tips & essential oils.