Lindsay Christensen

Reversing Chronic Disease with Paleo Habits with Lindsay Christensen

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Lindsay Christensen is a nutritionist, health coach & health writer. She's our new staff writer at WWC. In this episode we talk about Lindsay's chronic childhood illness, diagnosis, the different treatments she's taken and how taking a paleo approach has made a difference for her.

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 01:35 Introducing Lindsay Christensen
Min 03:55 Lindsay's health history & recovery
Min 10:35 Lyme infection
Min 14:50 The ancestral approach to healing
Min 19:45 Lindsay's diet
Min 25:05 Being diligent with your health
Min 27:20 The circadian rhythms
Min 36:35 Lindsay's favorite botanicals & binders
Min 41:20 Intermittent fasting
Min 46:00 Lindsay's resources

To learn more about Lindsay Christensen, visit her website here  and follow her on social media:


Bridgit’s Supplement Shop 
The Best Supplements for Leaky Gut

Here's the video version of the interview with Lindsay Christensen:

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