
A Healthy Dose of Productivity with Laura McClellan

This interview is not as geeky and not as medically-focused as most of our shows. Yet it was one of my very favorites, because I think the topic is so important.

Women these days are very stressed and overwhelmed (well, most of us) and that is affecting our health and happiness. 

Our guest Laura McClellan is the host of the podcast 'The Productive Woman,' a platform where she both shares her insights on productivity, and interview a range of women on how they deal with getting things done, meeting their own goals and needs, and managing family life on top of it.

What you'll learn in this episode is not how to shove more activities into your day, but rather how to be efficient, and also discerning.

“It’s possible to be really busy, but not be productive. It’s not just about doing more stuff, but the right stuff.”  Laura McClellan

Enjoy this one with Laura McClellan, and learn more about her and her show here.

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