Case Review vs. Past Labs Review - Which is Right for You?


Your body is unique. Your health history is unique.

At Hormone Detox Shop, we endeavor to give you a lot of expert education to empower you to make the best decisions about your own health recovery. These resources include:

BUT that doesn’t change a few key things, such as:

  • It’s hard to be objective about your own symptoms and suffering.

  • It’s hard to go it alone.

  • No one person or source has all the answers on your health (including you or me!).

This article will explore when it’s time to get started with resources beyond your own brainpower!

1. Benefit from Collective Wisdom

I am a practitioner with a ton of experience and I still work with many practitioners. I am a fan of having or trying several practitioners. Here’s why.

  • Everyone has something unique to offer.

  • Over time, your healing interests and needs change.

  • Overly relying on one practitioner will have you miss out on other wisdom.

Heal Together

As one practitioner on my personal health team said in a recent Instagram post, “healing happens together.” I think this is both beautiful and true. We heal with our friends, family, Facebook groups, practitioners, yoga classmates, spiritual communities and more.

Follow Your Calling

There was a time in my life that I was only relying on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Then I really needed more, and I got into life & business coaching, naturopathic medicine and learning how to cook whole foods.

Now I am in a phase where I need a lot of spiritual and personal growth support, so I am seeking out those resources and finding amazing coaches and energy workers. It is normal and healthy to follow your needs and passions when it comes to health care!

It Takes a Village

Lastly, please don’t get hung up on one practitioner being your messiah, or get so jaded that ‘no one helped.’ Each practitioner has helped you in some way: whether giving you an important clue, a big breakthrough, or just showing you what you want next.

Our clients have current homeopaths, former Mayo clinic visits, current functional medicine celebrities and more, and we still add value. Believe me, this used to be very intimidating for me! 

But as I worked with more and more clients online, I realized that the breadth and depth of knowledge of experience and knowledge of my team and myself, always added value to their journey.

2. Avoid Overwhelm, Depression & Frustration

When you have a symptom or new diagnosis, it’s easy to scan the internet for endless hours in an effort to find a solution. The trouble is, there are a lot of different solutions and it’s hard to know who to trust or who is right!

What started as a hopeful series of online clues can quickly turn into analysis paralysis and general discouragement.

Having a friendly, knowledgeable expert on your side to talk it all out with will feel like a Godsend.

Our clients at Hormone Detox Shop tend to be very health savvy. We won’t talk down to you: we’ll collaborate with you. If you’ve heard 10 other theories from 10 doctors, we won’t waste your time repeating the same information. We are very good at finding the gaps in your care.

3. Save Time & Money

I love to see people empowered in their own healthcare, but sometimes you mistakenly go down the wrong path for too long, wasting time and money without the results you want.

Here’s a great example from my own health story:

I had seen Candida appear on my GI-Map stool test, but I half-heartedly treated the Candida and never retested. Since I avoid sugar and alcohol, I didn’t have symptoms I thought were Candida.

Later I ran my first Organic Acids test. The test showed off the charts systemic Candida! Again, for some reason, I didn’t take it too seriously.

Meanwhile, I was suffering from weakened immunity. I had frequent chills and swollen glands. I was ‘sure’ it was Epstein Barr virus, and worked on that. I tested to find mixed results. The protocol helped somewhat. 

Later I ordered a bottle of MegaMycoBalance, the new Candida product from Microbiome Labs. I took it half-heartedly, once again (I know, it’s ridiculous.)

Guess what cleared up? All my chills and swollen glands!

I made some assumptions and stuck to them. I keep doggedly going down the same path, thinking somehow it would work. I wasn’t making the right connection between my symptoms and their cause. 

The body is complicated, and you can get stuck in a conclusion you’ve made. What’s the solution? Getting an outside perspective!

Our Offerings

We offer lab testing services with consultations here at Hormone Detox Shop, but today I want to highlight two services that cost less and give you a whole lot:

1. Supplement Consultation / Case Review

Here’s why to schedule this:

A. To Review Current Supplements

The original name of this service was “Supplement Consultation” as I wanted to give people a chance to have their long list of current supplements reviewed. 

Many people were taking 20 different supplements, some started so long ago that they just kept them out of habit, because someone once told them to, etc.

I think taking a big pile of supplements is often a mistake (unless you have cancer or rampant Lyme disease or similar), and I own a supplement store! Personally, I take some foundational things, and then a few focused things for what I’m focusing on at the time.

Even without seeing any labs, we can look at your current supplement list and your current symptoms and give you really amazing recommendations. We’ll help you cut back as needed and add new key formulas.

I worked as a busy acupuncturist for many years. I spent the first several years never looking at a lab. I added labs because they can be really helpful, but I am quite good at analyzing based on symptoms, as is my coaching team.

Don’t underestimate the power of an expert reviewing your case!

B. To Get a Second Opinion on Your Case

Speaking of, you can use this session as a second opinion. Perhaps you are making a big decision, like whether to move out of your moldy house (the answer is yes, by the way). It’s great to have an expert to mull it over with you.

Or maybe you’ve seen a lot of great practitioners, but like our style and are curious about our thoughts of your case. Come talk to us!

Or maybe you are out of the U.S. and getting our labs or supplements is a pain or impossible, but you’d still like our opinion. We can help advise and help with solutions you can access.

C. To Decide Where to Start with Labs

This is my favorite reason. We run some really great labs and occasionally I wish a client had picked differently. We can help you make the best choice for your funds and health.

Like I mentioned above, sometimes you are stuck, say, thinking it’s a hormone problem, but more importantly, it’s a toxin problem and you should start there. We’ll be honest.

2. Past Labs Review

This is a really helpful and affordable option. Sometimes you have already spent thousands on testing with another practitioner but only got half results.

Other times you managed to get a cool lab out of your favorite chiropractor, but they really don’t know how to read and advise on it.

Sometimes you order a lab yourself, which is great, but then you don’t know how to act on it.

These labs are valuable, but not until they are read right and have a solid protocol behind them!

I will close with a great story about a client I had today.

She is the incredible mother of a child with digestive issues, both living in the Middle East. She got online and got educated, and put her daughter on a helpful diet. But sometimes the old symptoms would flare up and, being a now educated woman, she wanted to know and address the root cause.

She managed to get a pair of tests from a practitioner in Europe. She got some interpretation and recommendations, but she didn’t feel confident about them.

I was able to review her tests, talk with her about her daughter’s symptoms, and give her both a detailed, written assessment and plan, including mainly liquid and powdered supplements her daughter could tolerate. Luckily she has a U.S. mailbox/shipping service so she can order what her daughter needs.

It was very satisfying for me as a practitioner to help this little girl grow up strong!

For privacy, I won’t give you her whole assessment and plan, but I want to show you the level of detail.

Example Plan:

  1. Please read the eBooks on Anxiety, Is Your Brain Inflamed and Top-down Digestive Repair Guide in the Client Library.

  2. Keep supporting your daughter on stress and giving her fun times. Sleep issues may be due to high stress, too much bright light and stimulation at night. Try calming essential oils and a soothing bedtime routine with bath, reading, etc.

  3. Diet: Con’t to avoid dairy, wheat and refined sugar. Work on getting more diverse fruits, beans and vegetables. See diet in the Top-down Digestive Guide. Do broths, smoothies and collagen powder that are easy to digest and gives her nutrition.

  4. Digestion: Please support with bitters, enzymes, apple cider vinegar or HCl at every meal. Find her best one or combine a couple.

  5. Infections: please see the protocol for parasite and bacterial infections below.

  6. Gut immunity- we will work on increasing good bacteria and the mucosal layer after the first part of the plan.

For 2 months:

Biocidin tincture- 3 drops 2 X day (bacterial infections)

Cleanse pack (this is on another site...has the two products below) (liquid formula for parasites)

12 drops, 3 times daily of the Clarkia-100 for 2 weeks, then stopping for 1 week and continuing that pattern for the 2 months

8 drops, 3 times daily of the Mycocyde for 2 months straight.

Start all this slowly and only do as much as she can tolerate.

Mega Mucosa- 1 scoop in water a day (for compromised gut immunity)

Bentonite clay liquid or activated charcoal l ½ teas or as directed in water at bedtime (binders for waste)

Digest Gold 1 per meal or similar digestive aid 

Month 3 and 4:

MegaMucosa- 1 scoop in water a day

Digest Gold 1 per meal or similar digestive aid

MegaSporeBiotic- 2 /day

MegaPrebiotic fiber- ½ scoop in water over course of day

Special Offer

We love getting nerdy on your health and want you to experience our work! For a limited time, get 25% off both a Case Review or a Past Labs Review.

Click on the buttons below to purchase your online session, and you’ll be guided on the next steps by email. Hope to meet you soon!

All sessions will be with staff coach Micki Contini. If you’d like to work with Bridgit, you can add that to your cart for an additional $200 fee. Learn more about our coaches at this page.


Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and

Check our her easy 5-Day DIY Detox Guide here!